Bohdan Makarenko (1991) Bestsellers

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Panorama of Chernivtsi Panorama of Chernivtsi
1 800 $

Bohdan Makarenko (1991)
Artist - painter.
Born October 21, 1991 in Kyiv.
Studied at the Crimean branch of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, faculty of "easel painting", workshop of associate professor L. V. Balkind. (Kolchugino, Crimea). Received a bachelor's degree with honors.
2012 - 2014 training in the master's program of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, faculty of "easel painting", workshop of professor V. I. Gurin. He defended his master's degree with honors.
2015 - 2018 training in the assistant-internship of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, faculty of "easel painting", supervisor professor V. I. Gurin.
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Lives and works in Kyiv.
The artist's works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad, as well as in the Chernivtsi Regional Art Museum and the Vinnytsia Art and Local History Museum. For Bohdan Makarenko, the greatest source of inspiration is nature in all its manifestations. The young artist pays special attention and interest to human nature. The works reveal to the viewer the inner world of the artist, who in his creative search tries to find peace of mind and strives for harmony with the surrounding universe.